Friday, August 31, 2007

Mr. Wunnerful Saves the Day!

Today, my mommie says I'ms a hero!

See, my mommie has a little box on her bed that makes horribul noises in the morning times. A lot of the time, it makes noises before the sun has even woked up! Today was one of those times. Yoosually when I hear those noises, it means my mommie has got out of bed, and it's my duty as King Cat to tell her good morning and give her snuggles and generally get under her feet to help her welcome the day. This morning I heered the noises, but my mommie stayed in bed. I knowed that she had to get out of the bed, so she could go to her work place, so I took matters into my own paws. I jumped up on the bed and gave her morning snuggles, and lots of nosekisses. She moved around a little bit, but still did not get up, so I gave her even MORE nosekisses. She petted me on the head and looked at the little box, and made the noise that means "OH NO!" She telled me that if I had not gived her those nosekisses, she would have gotten to her work place late, and gotted in trouble. So today I am her hero! She sez that she will get me some special treats to say thank you... I hope she finds me some squiggles, they look like lots of fun! But of corse I would settle for some nip or tasty cat treets. One must be gracious to the subjects after all!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dat is a furry importint kitty job, to wake da beans up! If dey don't go to dat werk place we don't gets food and toys. We still wake mom up even tho she don't go to werk no more cuz she's gotta pack dad's lunch and feed us and stuff. Yoo did a furry good thing!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Funny, I crawl unner the covers afore efun Dad's noisy box is awake, but I's not a hero. I get lotsa snugglin, but then Mom goes back to sleep. Why don't they get up?

Because you're waking me at 4 AM! I don't have to get up until 6:30!

Anonymous said...

It's good that you were there. I mean, treats are always good and what a rare thing to have a human who actually appreciates you!

Daisy said...

Oliver, you are a very great hero! You saved the day. I am proud of you.

sammawow said...

Hi Oliver - it's nice to meet you on the day you were a hero! Very impressive! China Cat is a ginger tabby like you are and today is her 11th birthday. I'm her 3 year old sister-cat and I'm a big dilute calico cat. Hope you can come by to visit sometime!

Purrrrrrs, Willow (and China Cat too)

Hot(M)BC said...

Way to go Oliver! ^5
your bud Pepi

Anonymous said...

Good job Oliver! I never believed all those horrible things your Peeple Mommie said about you anyway!

Jimmy Joe said...

Wow, you are a very dedicated guy, Oliver! I have to admit, I never help my momma get up in the morning. I like it when she stays in bed too long. She says you are indeed an orange hero.
Your new buddy, Jimmy Joe

Mr. Hendrix said...

wow! *clapping paws* that is very good of you. mommy sayz it is important to get up on time to go to that work place and you certainly are a hero!

It is nice your mommy recognizes your good deed and will reward you.

Stop by and visit sometime. I like to make new friends. By the way, I have an evil alter ego named Bendrix. You may hear from him from time to time. He is kinda snarky...

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Great job, Oliver!! You're definitely a hero, and we hopes you got rewarded!!

Have you heard about the Gorgeous Gingers? You definitely qualify to join! Fat Eric (here's his link)
is in charge of it and you can just email him to join.
Here's the link to the GG site

We're gettin' our mom to help us update our linkies (she's been away) so we'll get her to add yours soon!