Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy Sunshines!

It's summertime and my favrit thing to do around my howse now is sleep in the sunshine. I also liek to keep my Mommie company when she is playing on her compooter. She has a big chair with a high back, and I jump up there from the floor and say hello, at least once a day. Some days she doesn't mind, other days she jumps and looks scairt because she didn't know I was even in the same room! I liek those days... hee hee!

The Boy and the Girl are both getting furry big now. The Girl hasn't figgurred out yet that I don't like hard pats, so I've had to teach her a couple of lessons. She'll get the idea soon enuff. Mommie always backs me up when that happens too, so that's good. That's about all fur now, there's a sunshiny place wif my name on it!